PYS In-Town
If you have any questions regarding our In-Town programs, please contact the appropriate Division Coordinator, as noted on our Board of Directors page under About.
U6 (Kindergarten)
Our U6 age group is a coed division focused on introducing our youngest players to the beautiful game, and to having a lot of fun.
Our teams play once a week on Saturday mornings, for one hour. The first 30 minutes is spent developing skills through fun (sometimes silly) games. The final 30 minutes is spent letting them play in a 3v3 format. Once they're done, take them straight to the snack bar for a Slush!

U7/U8 (1st Grade - 2nd Grade)
In the U7 and U8 age groups, our boys and girls play in separate divisions. When our player numbers allow for it, we will play the U7 (1st Grade) and U8 (2nd Grade) players in separate divisions. If player numbers are low, we may combine the age groups in order to have the appropriate number of teams and roster sizes to appropriately develop our players and provide for quality matches on Saturday Game Days.
Teams will have 1-2 practices a week, dependent on the coach's schedule and will play games on Saturday's. Typically, the Girls U7-U8 divisions will play Saturday mornings. The Boys U7-U8 divisions, typically, play on Saturday afternoons.
While we want Saturday Game Days to be competitive and fun, the focus at these age groups is still on developing fundamental skills and introducing game rules and concepts to players. Our Game Managers oversee the games to introduce officiating to our players, but game results and team standings are not kept.

U10 (3rd Grade - 4th Grade)
Our U10 division is a fun age group to watch. Players, though still developing critical soccer skills, are growing in both their understanding of the game and their ability to make great soccer plays.
In our Fall season, U10 teams compete in our Fall In-Town league. Games are played at Hobomock Fields on our larger U10 fields and with licensed referees. Here, our U10 players get their first taste of more competitive action which helps prepare them for playing in the Coastal Youth Soccer League in the Spring season.
Teams are expected to train two nights per week. Days and times are determined by your team's coach.

FALL 2024 - SPRING 2025
Register now for the 2024-25 PYS In-Town season.