Board of Directors

PYS has always (and can only) be run through the generosity and commitment of its volunteers.

We are always looking for new ideas, ways to improve our program at all ages, and for new volunteers to help keep Pembroke Youth Soccer as one of the best soccer programs on the South Shore.

If you are interested in getting involved, please reach out to PYS President, Kevin Williams, or connect with any of our PYS Board members.

Executive Committee

Sarah Giasullo


Scheduling Coordinator

U6 Coordinator

Health & Safety Coordinator

Kevin O'Callaghan


Coastal Youth Soccer Representative

U14 Boys Coordinator

PHS Scholarship Committee Chair

Colleen Bruetsch


Mike Doton


U7/U8 Girls Coordinator

Dave Sullivan


Snack Bar Coordinator

General Board

Dan "D.J." Ballantine

Jason Barry

John Brooks

U10 Girls Coordinator

Sean Carey

U12 Boys Coordinator

Jason Federico

Eric Goode

Megan Hannon

U12 Girls Coordinator

Chuck Hatem

Snack Bar Procurement

U10 Boys Coordinator

Meredith McCafferty

Uniform Buyer

U14 Girls Coordinator

Danielle O'Neill

U7/U8 Boys Coordinator

Asst. Registrar

Julianne Parker

Snack Bar Scheduler

Dom Rizzo

Compliance Coordinator

PYS Merchandise

Sam Taber

Kevin Williams

Special Advisor to the President

High School Liaison

Referee Coordinator


Mark Williams

U5 Lil' Kickers Coordinator

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