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Pembroke Youth Soccer Field Turf Application Notification
A) Prepared by Richard Chessia – Sprouts Custom Lawns – Certified Commercial Pesticide Applicator License # CC-0048550
B) Purpose
a. The application is implemented to buffer, or balance the acidity,using proper liming techniques, sources, and rates. Lime must be conducted to maximize the productiveness of the soil. Liming applications are often overlooked but it's proper input plays a key role in a comprehensive turfgrass fertility program. In general, New England soils are naturally acidic. A healthy soil will provide your lawn with all of its soil-borne requirements, resulting in better overall turfgrass performance and appearance.
C) Dates
a. Date of application will be Wednesday November 20th, 2024.
D) Location
a. All Pembroke Youth Soccer Fields on Learning Lane. Fields 1, 2, 3, & 4.
E) Products Applied
a. Pro Select Dolomitic Limestone
PYS Fields will receive a fertilizer application on Thursday, 10/17. Fields will be able to be playable following the application. Details of the application are, as follows:
Pembroke Youth Soccer Field Turf Application Notification
A) Prepared by Richard Chessia – Sprouts Custom Lawns – Certified Commercial Pesticide Applicator License # CC-0048550
B) Purpose
a. The application will supply fertility to turf to maintain balanced nutrition. Balanced nutrition will allow turfgrass to better withstand traffic and fend off turf pest pressures. This contribution results in improved field conditions. Maximizing field quality will provide a well cushioned playing surface which will minimize the chances of sports related injuries.
b. Regular spot spraying for various broadleaf & grassy weeds will be conducted to maintain consistently low weed thresholds. Regular spot spraying applications will keep weeds in check, reduce their proliferation through seed, and lessen the need for broadcast treatments of these products.
C) Dates a. Date of application will be Thursday October 17th, 2024.
D) Location a. All Pembroke Youth Soccer Fields on Learning Lane. Fields 1, 2, 3, & 4.
E) Products Applied a. Nutrite Professional Turf Fertilizer (25-0-23) b. T-Zone Herbicide – (Triclopyr, Sulfentrazone, 2,4-D, Dicamba) i. EPA Reg #: 2217-976 ii. REI – 24 Hours iii. Target – Broadleaf weeds (Ground ivy, Wild violet)
All PYS Fields at Hobomock Elementary School will be closed on Friday, August 23rd, for fertilization. Details regarding the fertilizer being applied is noted below:
A) Prepared by Richard Chessia – Sprouts Custom Lawns – Certified Commercial Pesticide Applicator License # CC-0048550
B) Purpose:
a. The application will supply fertility to turf to maintain balanced nutrition. Balanced nutrition will allow turfgrass to better withstand traffic and fend off turf pest pressures. This contribution results in improved field conditions. Maximizing field quality will provide a well cushioned playing surface which will minimize the chances of sports related injuries.
b. Regular spot spraying for various broadleaf & grassy weeds will be conducted to maintain consistently low weed thresholds. Regular spot spraying applications will keep weeds in check, reduce their proliferation through seed, and lessen the need for broadcast treatments of these products.
c. Fungicide application to Field 3 to treat active Brown Patch disease.
C) Dates a. Date of application will be Friday, August 23rd, 2024.
D) Location a. All Pembroke Youth Soccer Fields on Learning Lane. Fields 1, 2, 3, & 4.
E) Products Applied:
a. Nutrite Professional Turf Fertilizer (26-0-22)
b. T-Zone Herbicide – (Triclopyr, Sulfentrazone, 2,4-D, Dicamba)
i. EPA Reg #: 2217-976
ii. REI – 24 Hours iii. Target – Broadleaf weeds
c. Strobe 2L – (Azoxystrobin)
i. EPA Reg #:53883-393
ii. REI- 12 hours
iii. Target – Brown Patch Disease
d. Dismiss NXT – (Sulfentrazone, Carfentrazone-ethyl)
i. EPA Reg #: 279-3383
ii. REI – 12 hours
iii. Target – Yellow Nutsedge weed
PYS offers a partial discount if a family registers three or more players. Please contact us at registrar.pys@gmail.com for a discount code you can enter during registration. If you've already registered three or more players, contact us for a refund.
Fields will be closed Friday (7/12) for fertilization:
Pembroke Youth Soccer Field Turf Application Notification
A) Prepared by Richard Chessia – Sprouts Custom Lawns – Certified Commercial Pesticide Applicator License # CC-0048550
B) Purpose
a. The application will supply fertility to turf to maintain balanced nutrition. Balanced nutrition will allow turfgrass to better withstand traffic and fend off turf pest pressures. This contribution results in improved field conditions. Maximizing field quality will provide a well cushioned playing surface which will minimize the chances of sports related injuries.
b. A second portion of the application will be a preventative treatment for all species of white grubs. This key application prevents the significant damage which these root feeding larvae can inflict on turf. The prevention of these pests now will help us to avoid costly repairs, increased water usage, and remove the need of more potent insecticides. A granular version of this product will be utilized to help avoid needless exposure to pollinators.
c. Regular spot spraying for various broadleaf & grassy weeds will be conducted to maintain consistently low weed thresholds. Regular spot spraying applications will keep weeds in check, reduce their proliferation through seed, and lessen the need for broadcast treatments of these products.
C) Dates
a. Date of application will be July 12th 2024
D) Location
a. All Pembroke Youth Soccer Fields on Learning Lane. Fields 1, 2, 3, & 4.
b. Herbicides will be utilized as spot applications.
E) Products Applied
a. Nutrite Professional Turf Fertilizer with Merit Insecticide (Imidacloprid)
i. EPA Reg #: 432-1349-82757
ii. REI – 12 Hours
iii. Target - White grub larvae.
b. T-Zone Herbicide – (Triclopyr, Sulfentrazone, 2,4-D, Dicamba)
i. EPA Reg #: 2217-976
ii. REI – 12 Hours
iii. Target – Broadleaf weeds
c. Dismiss NXT – (Sulfentrazone, Carfentrazone-ethyl)
i. EPA Reg #: 279-3383
ii. REI – 12 hours
iii. Target – Yellow Nutsedge weeds